A girl should be two things: who and what she wants. – Coco Chanel
What if … we could instill growth mindset, resilience and fail fast mentality in girls and young women? What if … these attributes could serve as a vaccination that preserves their early boldness and brilliance? What if … we could create a more equitable, sustainable world for the next generation of women?
For teenagers
Discover yourself by navigating multiple options and demands
Workshops for high-school students to help them discover their own values and talents, to help them balance short-term tactical items with long-term goals, and to help them build interpersonal skills
Workshops for college students to provide them with new lens for ongoing self-discovery, for adaptation as new information emerges, and for alignment to marketplace and organizational needs
Distill agile mindset and design thinking mindset with targeted activities that can be applied individually or collectively in partnership with other organizations.
Navigating the maze to explore your options
Workshops to help young women navigate the challenging early adulthood years as they transition from the world of study to the world of work, or the other way around
Partner with colleges and other organizations to provide targeted training that will provide pragmatic Lean and Agile techniques for visualizing options, prioritization, decision-making and continuous improvement
Extending the runway for the next generations of women by lowering barriers – paying it forward