What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. – Jane Goodall
About Lean In Agile
Lean In Agile is a movement for women, by women and of women designed to amplify the voices, talents and experiences of women within the Lean and Agile communities across the globe. As an international alliance, LIA connects women worldwide so that their experiences and expertise’s as Lean and Agile practitioners can be leveraged for these women to make a difference in the world for themselves and for each other.
Our Goals:
Create a community of women (through “Spirals” which are local groups) to help us engage, collaborate and create amazing things.
Expand our visibility and leadership within and beyond the Agile community by partnership and collaboration.
Creating spaces (regional, national and global gatherings) for women to expand their horizons by offering to and seeking from each other.
Apply Lean and Agile values, principles and practices to shape a stronger global community.
How We Achieve:
Go beyond the traditional, hierarchical mentor/mentee model to recognize the multi-dimensionality of our experiences and strengths.
Create a “Team YOU” for professional and personal growth:
Identify key roles for members by participating in Spirals as Coach, Mentor, Facilitator, Counselor, Reviewer and more.
Profile and promote women in the Lean and Agile communities through interviews, podcasts, webinars, blogs and more.
Community outreach: Support girls in STEAM and Agile in Education movements to develop the next generation of women in our community.